How To Skate Backwards: A Beginner's Guide

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Skating backwards is an impressive skill that every skater should strive to master. Not only does it add variety to your skating repertoire, but it also improves your overall balance, agility, and control on the ice. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of learning how to skate backwards, even if you're a complete beginner. So, lace up your skates and get ready to glide effortlessly in the opposite direction!

1. Gear Up

Before you start practicing skating backwards, ensure that you have the right gear. This includes a well-fitted pair of ice skates, protective helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards. Safety should always be your top priority, especially when attempting new skating techniques.

2. Find Your Balance

Begin by finding your balance on the ice. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your knees. Keep your weight centered and distribute it evenly on both skates. This will help you maintain stability as you start moving backwards.

3. Master the T-Push

The T-push is a fundamental move that propels you backwards. Start by pushing off with your non-dominant foot, angling it slightly outward. Simultaneously, extend your dominant foot behind you, forming a T-shape. Push off the inside edge of your non-dominant foot and transfer your weight to your dominant foot. Repeat this motion to gain momentum and gradually glide backwards.

4. Practice C-Cuts

C-Cuts are essential for steering and controlling your backward movement. To perform a C-cut, start with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees. Shift your weight to your dominant foot and push it outward in a C-shaped curve. As your foot reaches the widest point of the curve, transfer your weight to your non-dominant foot and bring your dominant foot back to its original position. Repeat this motion with both feet alternately to maintain a steady backward glide.

5. Body Positioning

Maintaining the correct body positioning is crucial while skating backwards. Keep your head up, back straight, and shoulders relaxed. Engage your core muscles to maintain balance and stability. Avoid leaning too far forward or backward, as it can disrupt your balance and hinder your progress.

6. Look Over Your Shoulder

As you skate backwards, remember to look over your shoulder in the direction you are moving. This will help you maintain awareness of your surroundings and avoid collisions with other skaters. Developing this habit early on will make skating backwards more intuitive and natural.

7. Increase Speed Gradually

Once you feel comfortable with the basic backward skating techniques, gradually increase your speed. Push off with more power and focus on maintaining steady strides. Remember to maintain control and be aware of your surroundings at all times.

8. Practice Transitions

Transitions between forward and backward skating are important for seamless movement on the ice. Practice transitioning from forward to backward skating and vice versa. Start by gliding forward, then slowly shift your weight to one foot and turn your body to face the opposite direction. Practice this until you can smoothly transition between the two skating styles.

9. Embrace Falling

Falling is inevitable, especially when learning a new skill. Embrace the fact that you will fall while practicing skating backwards. However, always try to fall safely by bending your knees, tucking your chin, and using protective gear. Falling is a natural part of the learning process, so don't be discouraged and keep persevering.

10. Practice Consistently

Like any skill, learning to skate backwards requires consistent practice. Set aside regular practice sessions to dedicate time to honing your backward skating skills. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will become.


Skating backwards may seem daunting at first, but with patience and practice, you can master this impressive skill. Remember to prioritize safety, find your balance, and focus on proper technique. With time, you'll be gliding backwards with ease and adding a new dimension to your skating abilities.